Here we go with this year’s gift guide. I will be reaching back into the archives here on While He Was Napping, as well as showcasing ideas from around the web to help you get some DIY gifting ideas. I will also have a section dedicated to gift ideas that can be purchased. Because, let’s face it, this time of year is crazy busy for most of us and it’s often easier to just buy it!
Well, I suppose it’s about time I let the cat out of the bag. I’ve been debating this post for weeks, months even. I knew it would happen, but didn’t know the best way to go about it. I couldn’t come up with anything cute, unique and that hadn’t been done before, so I decided that I’d just go with a straight-forward and to-the-point approach.
I have a secret. Would you like to know my secret? Well, I won’t be able to keep it a secret much longer so……
Notice anything… no, not my apparent obsession with horizontal stripes.
But that means I can dress this bump up or down, depending on whether I want the attention or not.
Usually, I don’t.
So… what did you do this summer?! I’ve been growing a little bean for the past few months. And that means I have some pregnancy posts coming your way. Don’t worry, I won’t bore you to death with daily and weekly play-by-plays or whiny Facebook statuses. It’ll be lots of good stuff, I promise. I’m over the sicky-icky part, but I do still have two rambunctious, energetic boys that I spend my days chasing. So, if there are days that I take a nap myself during nap time instead of writing blog posts, taking project photos, editing those photos, and doing other bloggy things, please forgive me. Or come baby-sit. Whatever you prefer.