So, while it is terribly true that I have been wanting a larger vinyl cutting machine, it hasn’t really been an option due to certain situations… like $$$$$. It went from being on my birthday list to my Christmas list. There are some screamin’ deals out there, but that’s still x amount of dollars that could be used as a down payment (I so desperately want a home of our own!). Well, I’d been checking out Ebay in hopes I could snag an awesome deal since I’ve been getting some more Etsy orders (it wasn’t too hard, it doesn’t take much to be more than none…) I bid on this same package 8 times and to no avail. My highest bid wasn’t even close. So, when hubby found a deal on Craigslist we jumped at it. It ended up being a little more than I was initially willing to part with, but I wanted it so. $10 won’t make or break Christmas. And if it does, I’ll feel awful. Anyway, we got back to my grandma’s house and I thought “oh, I need to cancel those Ebay bids…” However, there was some mommy things I needed to do… like feed the baby… first. When I finally got on to cancel, guess what? What, no takers…? Hmmm, well, I’m now the owner of not one, but two, of these package deals. They are really good deals, yes. But I don’t need two of them!
And the ironic part… The guy we bought the first one from was trying to get rid of it because his wife had already gotten one and they didn’t need two machines! I thought “wouldn’t that be funny if I won one of those Ebay auctions” on our drive back to my grandma’s. Guess what… not so funny. So, my Christmas list has changed today… Number one on the list though is still a house of our own. I need somewhere to decorate!