I have a family reunion coming up at the end of the month in Idaho. I just read an email with info on the event and almost had a heart attack when I read there is no internet. AAAHHHH! So, I need some help. I’m looking for a few people to share some tutorials on While He Was Napping while I’m out in the wilderness. I don’t care if it’s a recipe, craft, DIY project, renovation, or whatever. I don’t even care if it comes from your archives (back at least 3 months would be preferable, but I’m totally willing to negotiate on that).
If you’d be willing to help out (and maybe get some free publicity to your site? I know I’m not a “Big Blog” by any means, but 1200 people have at least heard of me…), please send me an email at whilehewasnapping[at]gmail.com Please include what kind of tutorial you are willing to contribute, just so I can kinda get an idea on what kind of content there is available. I’d really appreciate any help! I’ll even put your button in my side bar for six weeks… For FREE. Free is good, right?
Now, if I could just get people to link me up to the link parties, right?! Hehehe.