So, we have been in a bit of a lunch slump over here. The kind where I glance at the clock and realize that if Little Monkey is going to nap he needs to eat like 20 minutes ago. And you better believe I try my hardest to get him to still nap… Anyway, the kid has been living off of peanut butter sandwiches and cold hot dogs (YUCK! We have Daddy to thank for that one…)
Well, I decided one day last week that we should probably eat something besides hot dogs for the twenty bajillonth day in a row. I decided on grilled cheese, but the Monkey wasn’t so excited. So… we made the puzzle sandwich. Although he did play with his food more, he also ate all but two pieces of the sandwich. That’s right, almost an entire sandwich for this kid. He loved it. Now, we cut all our sandwiches into puzzles and, although it takes longer, there’s less coaxing from mom and more eating from Monkey. It’s great stuff!
What tricks and tips do you have to get your kiddos to eat?
If you’d like to get more While He Was Napping, you can find me here: