If you missed the intro to Project: Get Organized- Find Order I’ll break it down for you real quick. Basically, instead of a New Year’s Resolution, I set a theme for the next year – this year. The theme: Get organized and find some order for our chaotic lives. Just in time for this new goal, Stephanie at Modern Parents Messy Kids has released an awesome e-book. Project Organize Your Entire Life: The Quick Start Guide is chock-full of amazing tips, tricks and pointers on where to start and how to wrangle a wild home. This is exactly what I needed. I have grandiose ideas, but often get burn out before I do much more than make a bigger mess. Not so with POYEL: The Quick Start Guide. It goes section by section and step by step. Perfect! She even talks about two kinds of home overhauls: the slow start or the big clean. With my two boys, I’ll be taking the slow route and working during nap times and after bedtime.
The first section is all about toy rotation. We need this BADLY at my house. So, here we are. Step one. The toy sort. This actually wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. It took a little longer than I anticipated, but that was mostly because I kept getting interrupted with other things. And having two curious little “helpers” didn’t actual help. Sure my piles didn’t look so much like piles at times, but we got through the sort phase. Here’s how:
– Constructive Play Toys. These toys are blocks, Legos, our new Gizmo set, Monkey’s felt road and his wooden train set and other things that my boys actually build with.
– Fantasy Play Toys. Dress up clothes, cars and trucks, tool set, our LeapFrog shopping cart, ect. Toys that can be played with in a variety of ways.
– Games or Toys with Rules. This includes Chutes and Ladders, Candy Land, Jenga, the bean bag toss and the like.
– Constant Circulation Toys. These are the toys that will never go into storage. The things my boys really, really love. Monkey has a couple of stuffed animals that he would definitely notice if they went MIA. They will always be out. As will some of his cars. The kid loves those cars.
Each category got it’s own pile and I gathered every toy in the house I could find. I will probably still find toys around, or even piece of different toys, but that’s why I like the 20 gallon totes. It’s super easy to open them back up and reunite any stray pieces…
I’ve got more for you! Get all the info on dividing and storing the toys in Toy Rotation: The Divide.
If you’d like to get more While He Was Napping, you can find me here: