I’m a momma. A stay at home momma. I make lunch. Seven days a week. I hate making lunch. I get stuck in this rut of trying to make something easy and quick that my kids will eat. My kids aren’t particularly picky, but they have the attention span of… wait, what was I saying? They get bored easily. So, lunch has to be quick and easy to make as well as quick and easy for them to eat. And Big J has a weird sensory thing about getting food on his hands.
We have the usual fall-backs: Mac & Cheese, PB&J, hot dogs, spaghetti-O’s… you know, kid food. Bland and somewhat boring. Although, I have a weird thing for Spaghetti-O’s. I get bored with their boring food, but I don’t have time to make everyone separate meals everyday. So, I have to find ways to liven up their food so I don’t get insanely bored with eating. Because I like to eat… it should be enjoyable. This is my newest favorite spin on the quesadilla!