Okay, I try really hard to keep this blog uplifting and family-friendly. I have been debating this post for a while and finally decided that I would go ahead and post it. So, this is your warning. If things behind the bedroom door are not of interest to you, then feel free to skip this post. I promise, I will keep it tasteful.
Alright… so, December is one of my favorite months. And one that I dread. It always seems so hectic and busy. Sometimes, I wish I didn’t feel like I needed to make a million Christmas gifts and host holiday parties and hang decor until there’s holiday cheer dripping from every surface of our house. But, I love Christmas carols and lights and the trees. I love December.
This December, I am pregnant. Five months pregnant. Not insanely uncomfortable yet, but tired and weary nonetheless. On top of pregnancy drain, I chase after two rambunctious hooligans all day long and I’m trying to get all those gifts I mentioned crossed off my to-make list. So, my poor husband crawls into bed every night with a zombie who is thinking about stocking stuffers and gifts for the neighbors. Not very romantic, am I right?
So, in an effort to make sure he knows that he is still one of my highest priorities, I wanted to give him something. Something that is super precious right now. My time. And maybe a little more of me than the Christmas-crazed zombie he’s been going to bed with lately. I sat myself down with Photoshop and a mug of cocoa and made up these Christmas coupons for couples and presented them to him in the form of a surprise on his pillow one night. I know it’s not the 12 days of Christmas yet, but intimacy every night for two weeks kind of scares my baby-infested uterus right now. TMI? Sorry, it’s the hormones, I swear.