Welcome, my friends!
I’ve got a couple quick announcements, a few features and then we will get right to the par-tay!
Announcement #1- Pick Your Plum Giveaway winner:
Kelly O’Neill Bowes with her entry “Like While He Was Napping” on Facebook!
Yay, Kelly! Check your email for more details!
Announcement #2- A while back I asked for sponsors for a big giveaway event. Just a heads up to those who volunteered (THANK YOU!), I have had to push the giveaway back until July. It’s not cancelled, just postponed. I’ve just been too busy to get it all organized yet. The upside – if you’d still like to sponsor a prize, feel free to sign up HERE! Sorry for the short notice of date changes.
Okay, features! Last week, there are some great links! Some of my faves included:
Whole Wheat Pancakes @ The Salty Kitchen
Cute Maxi Skirt Tutorial @ Oh Sew Crafty Life
Chalk Paint vs Chalkboard Paint @ Holy Craft
Lower Your Grocery Bill @ Lamberts Lately
Featured? This is for you:
<a href=”http://whilehewasnapping.blogspot.com”> <img src=”http://whilehewasnapping.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/WHWNWWFeatureButton.png” >
And on with the party!

<a href=”http://whilehewasnapping.blogspot.com”> <img src=”http://i769.photobucket.com/albums/xx332/WhileHeWasNapping/WHWNWeekendWanderButton.png” >
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