Father’s Day is coming up… and I have mixed feelings. Yay! I love the men in my life. Ugh, I hate gifting to the men in my life. They are so difficult! My husband said it well the other day. “If I want something and we can afford it, I’ve probably already bought it.” This is very true. My dad wants nothing, ever. At least that’s what he says. And my brother… he learned from my dad.
Do you know any men that are hard to gift for? If so, I’ve gathered some ideas to help you find the right gift for the men in your life this Father’s Day.

From Momma:
What Daddy couldn’t use a little more “Me and Momma” time?
I know we are busy. Work, church, kids, activities, running the household, it all takes time
Sometimes, Mr Napping and I get so focused on “Us” as a family that we forget about “Us” as a couple.
We get along better and things run more smoothly when we take the time to reconnect with each other.
Besides, I’ll tell you how to adjust each of these to make them a “from the kids” gift instead.
Date Night Jar
Let your sweetie pie know that you want to schedule some of his time. Make planning easier with date ideas already gathered and written out. Don’t play the “I dunno, what’da you wanna do?” game.
See the full tutorial HERE.
Or get a printable, just-cut-it-apart version HERE.
From the kids version – Instead of date nights ideas,
write down family activities you can do together.
Bike rides, picnic at the park, whatever you enjoy doing as a family.
Or write down things you’ve wanting to try together.
52 Reasons I Love You Book
You’re honey knows you love them. But everyone likes to hear it.
Let your sweetie know just why you love him!
Full tutorial HERE.
From the kids – Ask the kiddos what they love about Daddy.
He’ll love to know that they love the bed time stories and the tickle monster.
Tree Carving Sign
Give your sweetheart a shout out with this fun sign.
Names, dates, initials. All those important things.
Get more info HERE.
From the kids – instead of your special dates and initials,
put the kids’ names or initials and birth dates.
Candy Gram
We did this as a date night and then exchanged posters.
Let your sweetie know just how sweet he really is.
Tutorial HERE.
From the kids – Change your sayings to be from the kids.
A little less lovey-dovey and a little more wrestles and bedtime stories.
From the Kids:
These gifts are perfect for the kids to put together for daddy.
Some projects may need adult supervision and help.
These would also work as “from the kids” gifts, even if momma does most or all of the work.
Daddy’s Six Pack
Does your daddy have a sweet tooth?
Daddy’s Six Pack is a fun gift filled with all of dad’s favorite goodies.
Get the details on this gift HERE.
In Case Of Emergency Kit
Give Dad the gift of security. This little baby sits under the seat in the car…
well, hopefully, FOREVER.
He’ll have all he needs to help him out of any sticky situation.
Full tutorial HERE.
Our Dad Loves… Sign
All of dad’s favorites displayed for all to see.
Give dad a shout out with this fun plaque.
Tutorial is available HERE.
For more man gift ideas, check out the Gift Guide for Men.
There’s ideas for every kind of guy.
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