Sometimes, I have a hard time getting GatorBoy to eat. He is smack dab in the midst of teething (oh, how I loathe that whole process) and the only thing he will eat is Jell-O! Not much nutritional value… but at least it’s a little something. We have been cutting shapes out of Jell-O with cookie cutters and the boys have een having a total blast with that. Then I found these awesome silicon molds at WholePort Craft Supplies.
I was impressed with their variety of products! Baking supplies, beads and jewelry findings, fabric, molds and other tools and supplies for making soap, paper crafting and more. Prices are great too and shipping is totally reasonable. The only downside is shipping time.
I got one of these fun little truck molds and filled those babies up with some yummy Jell-O and my boys ate it up… literally! Okay, totally corny. But they loved it! I’m super excited to use this with some cake. Cake trucks!? Yum, and my kiddos would just die!
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