While we have had a few days here and there that have been decent weather, we are still hanging out inside most of the time. If the sun isn’t out or the wind is blowing, it’s still too cold to be outside for very long. We were able to find an awesome adjustable basketball hoop on Craigslist for a great price and I knew that my boys would love it. We snatched it up quick as can be and have been having a spectacular time with it.
If you don’t have a kid’s basketball hoop, don’t worry about it. Use an empty, clean trash can or a laundry basket.

– Painter’s tape or masking tape
– Small balls (balls of tin foil, rolled up socks, balls of tape, paper balls, ect)
– A basketball hoop (or trash can or laundry basket)
– Place your hoop at one end of the room.
– Use the tape to tape off a basketball key. It doesn’t need to be perfect.
– Use your ball(s) to play a variety of games. Horse. Count baskets. Just to name a few.
– Have fun and take time to play with your kids!
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