Welcome to another party, my friends! How’s your week been? It’s been long and a little lonely here. I’ve got the two boys by myself and, oh my, they are a handful! Whew. I’ll be honest, I’m a little burned out on Halloween decor – I just can’t talk myself into decorating for just one day. And I’ve had to come up with Halloween costumes for the boys with a very limited budget. Our original plan didn’t pan out, unfortunately, so it was last-minute pandemonium. Gah. Okay, okay enough of my whining (am I right?!), let’s do some features!
A great tip for cleaning out your closet comes from
Connie at Family, Home and Life
Microwave Kettle Corn? Uhm, yes please.
Thank You, Carrie at Saving 4 Six!
I have been debating about what to do for a cauldron in my (meager) Witch display.
Steph at Crafting in the Rain has hit pay dirt. These are ADORABLE!
Thanks for linking up everyone! If you were featured, grab a button.
Also, if you haven’t already, come enter for
A $50 gift card will be given away on Tuesday.
Now, let’s get this party started!
If you’d like to get more While He Was Napping, you can find me here: