As the kick off project on my quest to complete, oh say, 20% of the things I have pinned on Pinterest, I have a treat for you. I pinned these babies a couple weeks ago and figured they would just get added to my pretty little board of delicious-looking desserts and “maybe some day”s. And then Mr. Napping was working late one night and I’d had both boys by myself all. day. l o n g. Little Monkey was whiny and tired, but bedtime was still a couple hours away. Early bed is not an option for us because Little Monkey then gets up at 4am… I don’t to 6am, no way in heck am I doing 4. The only reason I’m ever up at 4am is to feed the Gator. Anyway, back to whining about my kids… Gator was being even more clingy than he normally is. And he normally cries for anyone but me. I hate it. I could swear he was teething, but alas, we still have no teeth in his gummy grins. Not that I’m complaining, since he’s still mostly breastfed. Anyway, every little thing was a billion times more dramatic than it was in the real world and I was at a breaking point. Finally, I said, “Hey, let’s make something!” Little Monkey looked up at me through his teary eyes like I’d sprouted a third arm (oh, I only wish that would happen!) and Gator just yanked on my hair some more and fussed. Ah, so we had a plan. Kinda.
I plopped my Little Gator in his Bumbo (love that thing) and grabbed my tablet for a quick Pinterest board search. I headed straight to my Sweet Treats board and pulled up three yummy looking desserts. I settled on Sugar Cookie Bars, mostly because it was the first recipe I checked to see if we had all the ingredients and we did. Which, funny enough, looking back at the other two recipes, we didn’t have all those ingredients anyway. Meant to be. You can find the inspiration for this recipe at High Heels and Grills. I took the basic recipe and idea, and tweaked it. Thanks for sharing, Sarah!

– 3 cups flour
– 1/2 tsp baking powder
– 1/2 tsp salt
– 1/4 cup butter
– 1 cup of granulated sugar
– 2 eggs
– 1/4 cup sour cream
– 2 tsp vanilla
– Preheat the oven to 375 degrees and grease a 9×13″ baking sheet
– Cream the butter and sugar together until they are fluffy. Add eggs and mix well.
– Add sour cream and vanilla. Mix well.
– Add flour, baking soda and salt. Combine until dough is well mixed.
– Press the dough into your cookie sheet.
– Bake for 15-20 mins until the edges are golden brown and a knife-check comes out clean. (To perform a knife check, simply poke the tip of a butter knife into the center of the cookies. If the knife comes out with crumbs or dough stuck to it, add another minute. If it’s clean, the cookies are done.)
– Let cool.
1/8 cup butter
2 cups powdered sugar
2 tbsp sour cream*
1/8 cup of milk (If you don’t have a 1/8 measuring cup, fill a 1/4 cup about halfway full.)
1 tsp vanilla
Dash of salt
– Cream butter, sugar and milk.
– Add sour cream, vanilla and salt.
– Add food coloring if you wish.
– Spread even over cooled cookies.
*If you wish, you can replace the sour cream with softened cream cheese and a dash of lemon juice. The lemon juice will help with clumpy cream cheese. Mix them well if you go with the cream cheese.
The first time I made these I followed Sarah’s recipe almost exactly. The only thing I did was add an extra egg because my dough wasn’t forming. Maybe I miscounted the flour? Anyway, I made two batches of these cookies within 10 days and substituted the cream cheese into the second batch. It was delicious and offered a sugar cookie that wasn’t quite so sweet. This ended up being perfect for my Mr. Napping, since he thought the originals were a little too sweet. He’s weird like that. That’s also why I cut down on the amount of frosting from Sarah’s recipe, although I enjoyed the frosting from the first batch as well. Ate the whole dang pan by myself practically…
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