I found some bath tub crayons for Little Monkey a few months ago and he loved them. The downside… they didn’t last long, cost me $5 and they stained the tub a bit. Great, right?! Well, I decided to try making my own this time around. I did a little research and found a bajillion different recipes, so I kind just decided to wing it. All the recipes called for soap flakes, water, and coloring. I took those and concocted a little recipe.
Here’s the How:

2) Mix approximately a 1:1 ratio of soap flakes and water. I used about 1/4 cup to fill my cookie cutter shapes. Mix soap flakes and water well and add coloring to your liking. It should not be runny, more like the consistency of a thick conditioner and it’ll look like colored shaving cream. Little Monkey helped stir the soap and water. He was in heaven.Soap flakes, water and blue food coloring. Mix well. Too much water? Add more soap.
3) Use a spoon and spoon the mixture into the cookie cutter shapes on a plate. Let them sit for a few minutes (like long enough to go rinse the excess soap out of the dish.
Pull the cookie cutter off the soap. Let the shapes dry. It took ours about 5 days to really dry all out, they were ‘usable’ by the next morning, just a bit soft. They probably would have broken up in the tub quite a bit, so I let them dry longer.
*I set mine out in the sun one day and the sun color bleached them. So, keep that in mind. My Mr Right suggested baking them in the oven for a little while. I did not try this. If you do, watch them super close. I don’t know what kind of reaction you might encounter or if it would dry the color out or not.*
The crayons didn’t turn out quite like I’d hoped; but, the shapes are kinda cool and Little Monkey likes to play with them in the tub, which makes getting him all washed up a little easier when he does it all himself. Now, splish, splash, go have some fun in the bath!