I had an email requesting a tutorial on how to make category pages. Probably the simplest way to do this is with labels. This is the way I do it. Doing it this way, your pages will update when you write a new post. Blogger’s pages feature is nice, but it only allows for static pages. With labels and a link your page will update itself. Let’s get started.
Here’s the How:
1) It all begins when you write up your post. If you don’t already, begin labeling your posts. You don’t need a ton of labels. One or two will do. The more labels you have the more pages your post will show up on. If you are going to create pages with your labels, be general. You won’t need labels of both “drinks” and “beverages”. Pick one. I am currently, and always, trying to whittle down my labels.
2) After you publish your post, view it on your blog. At the bottom of the post, if you have labels enabled to show, your labels will show up. Click on the one you want to make a page from.
3. Now, you’ve clicked on the label you are going to use and it should pull up a page that has all the posts that you’ve labeled with that label. Highlight the address in the address bar.
4. You will now need to create a link. There are a couple ways to do this. You will need to decide if you want a text link or an image link. Text links are the easiest to make.
Copy this text and replace the red text with your text.
<a href=”http://URL address.com“>word(s) you want be linked</a>
<a href=”http://whilehewasnapping.blogspot.com/search/label/main%20dish”>Main Dish</a>
The code will make a link that looks like this:
Main Dish
This is an awesome tutorial on creating a navigation bar instead of just a link, which would be very helpful to your readers in locating your content. If you want an image in your navigation bar, check out this tutorial.
5. If you opt to just create links, make a list of them down your sidebar or something like that. If you put them at the top of your blog, make the font a little larger so people realize it’s a navigation bar.
I hope this all made sense. If not, let me know and I’ll clarify. Good Luck!