I missed last week’s Hoo Are You… it’s was a crazy week. Unpacking, sick baby, piles of laundry, gearing up for Christmas in my Etsy shop. And trying to get things in order to deliver gifts on our next trip. I have to have Christmas done for 2/3 of my list in the next two weeks. Like I said, cRaZy! So, anyway, here are this week’s questions.
1. Name two things you consider yourself to be very good at.
Uhm, dropping things and “making it work”. I so often don’t think things all the way through. And it gets me in trouble… And I’m clumsy… not a great combination!
2. Name two things you consider yourself to be very bad at.
keeping up on laundry and house work. And skiing. See the last Hoo Are You post for that explanation…
3. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
I believe we can learn something from everything that happens. And yes, if the cup fall off the table the reason is because I bumped it. But, I don’t know if there is a great purpose for all events
4. What is something you have eaten lately that you shouldn’t have?
hahaha… that half a pan of mint chocolate chip brownies….
5. Do you think the time should change or leave it alone?
Leave it alone. It messes my little boy all up!