So, if you’re hanging out with me on Facebook, you know that last week was a bit chaotic. Big J started kindergarten last Monday – he loves it – and that night Little J stuck corn up his nose. Like WAAAY up his nose. Long story short, after two days, an ENT doctor removed it in less than a minute and I’ve sworn off feeding my kids corn for a while.
Back to the point. We now have to do the pick up routine everyday after school. On Monday, I was a bit late (way to start off the year, right?!). Both the little boys had fallen asleep and I had to heft Baby N, car seat and all, through a crowd while dragging poor, half-awake Little J behind me to pick up big brother. I’m a whopping five feet tall when I stand up straight and my boys, plus the car seat, weight half as much as I do. It was rough and I was insanely sore the next day – I should probably work out more, huh? We have opted to do the car pick-up line instead. Everyone just sits in the car. I want to kiss whoever came up with that idea.
However, two little boys strapped into car seats for an undetermined number of minutes each day, right in the middle of nap time, isn’t exactly a nice relaxing drive either. So, I made a car toy box for them. Everything in the box stays in the car. It’s made the wait a little more bearable.
– Travel Size Etch A Sketch
– Coloring Book & Colored Pencils or Color Wonder Set
– It’s pretty basic. Fill the box or container with the toys, books and other items. Stash it in the car (under a seat is a great spot) and pull it out in that car pick-up line, in the line at the bank, while you wait for Dad to run into the store or anywhere you find yourself stuck waiting in the car with the kiddos.