A few weeks ago, Mr Napping and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. The budget was tight and I was nearly 34 weeks pregnant. I can’t sit still for very long anymore, I can’t eat more than a fistful of food at a time and I’d been having contractions for weeks… That took out dinner, a movie, and anything involving more than a gentle meander anywhere. And of course an expensive spa trip or hotel room wasn’t really an option… tight budget, remember? The sixth year is traditionally a gift of iron (traditional gift) or candy (modern gift). So, this is what we did instead…
– My husband ended up having to go into work for a few hours to fix some problems with their server. When he was gone longer than I’d been hoping, I sent him this…
Well, he was home about half an hour later… =) Hubby shuffled the kiddos off to grandma’s for the next 36 hours and while he was gone, I set this DIY mini golf course up:
… and we went mini golfing. By the way, that’s probably the most of a “home tour” as you’ll ever get from me. I’d bought a cheap Kid’s Golf Set on Amazon and hidden it until we’d had our date and now my kids love setting up their own golf courses and then hitting each other on the head with the clubs. Ah, life as the mother of boys. Each hole was designed with the traditional or modern gift for that anniversary. Hole one was made with wrapping paper, hole two with cotton, hole three with crystal (or as close as we had – glass), hole four with linen, hole five with wood and hole six with candy. I kind of cheated on a few of them, but I was going with what I had on hand in my house in the time it took my husband to drive seven miles away, drop off our kids and come back. My time and resources were limited. It was goofy and silly, but totally fun.
I probably should have vacuumed and picked up the toys more before taking pictures to post online, but I didn’t clean up for hubby either… see, I treat you just like family. Haha. At nine months pregnant, he was getting a date or a clean house… not both.
I made up flags in photoshop, printed them out and cut them out. Then, used skewers to make flags. Then I had to get a little creative. I had two yogurt cups from the boys’ breakfast that morning that I rinsed out. I turned one of our glasses on it’s side to make another hole. I used a small box I’d gotten in the mail a couple days earlier for one hole. We have a set of wooden blocks with a weird house like contraption thing I used for the fifth hole. And, after I emptied the Tootsie Rolls out of the bag, I used the empty bag as the last hole. We even had water features… hehe.