We have been super lucky and, except for a brutal cold snap during the beginning of December (we’re talking like -4F! BRRRR!), we’ve had pretty mild winter weather this year. Like out in sweatshirts during the day, or maybe a light jacket. Now, it gets chilly when the sun goes down, but that’s kind of what happens in the desert… even with daytime temps near triple digits.
However, being in my third trimester and about the size of a boat, I haven’t wanted to venture out with my crazy, energetic hooligans. I just don’t have the energy or stamina to chase after them. Especially that Little J… he’s into everything and has already developed selective hearing for the words “don’t”, “no”, “stop”, “get down”, “listen to me” and similar commands. So, I made up the Boredom Buster Jar – Winter Edition. It’s got activities that will (mostly) keep us inside – where I can contain the chaos (mostly) and we can still try to have learning moments (maybe).
Unfortunately, all the photos turned out blurry that I had taken of our jar – and the boys… hence, why they were blurry. Then, that ever-curious Little J let himself into the laundry room (to which I always keep the door closed), climbed himself up three shelves to my tool bag, helped himself to my hammer and back down three shelves (whew, he doesn’t always nail the ‘back down’ part) with said hammer. Hang on, it gets better. Can you guess what he did with that hammer? Well, let’s just say he came and told me “Bang, bang, bang. It’s broke.” It sure was… he smashed that jar into a billion pieces. After I frantically checked him for cuts, scrapes, and deep, profusely bleeding gashes I cleaned it all up, relocated my tool bag and put a child lock on that door. Apparently, he’s also mastered the turning of door knobs and can now grant himself access to any room without those annoying child locks. Yay for that new skill? I did not, however, replace the jar (fool me once…) and our activity strips are currently being housed in some super classy, missing two tabs, plastic Snap Ware. Where was I while all this happened? Doing the dishes. So, moral of the story…? Clearly, don’t do the dishes. Right?
Anyway. Here’s a little sneak peek at the Winter boredom buster printable. You can download the watermark-free version of this page HERE. If you would like 16 more activities and a blank template page to fill in your own fun winter activities you can find that in my Etsy Shop.
You can print as many copies as you’d like. The image is designed as an 8″x10″. You may share the printed copies, but please point others back here to this post for the file link. No part or variation of this image may be reproduced, sold, or given away without permission from me, the designer. I reserve all rights. Yada, yada… legal jargon.