Rebekah from Somewhere in the Middle is back again today to share a fun little sled ornament with us. These would be so perfect for a fun crafty afternoon with the kiddos. Write everyone’s name on their ornament and the year for a fun little keepsake! Here’s Rebekah with the how to:
I adore homemade ornaments for the tree and I especially love ornaments that kids can help make. It’s so fun to unpack them every year and see how excited the little ones get about the ornaments they’ve made in the past. These little sled ornaments are super quick to put together and a great project for the kids to help with. Here’s the super short supply list:
- Craft Sticks (regular size)
- Mini Craft Sticks
- Glue gun
- Twine (or yarn/string)
- Paint (I think they’d be really cute in red, but we went with turquoise)
Paint both sides of the craft sticks. You need 6 mini sticks and 3 regular sized per sled.
You’ll need to cut one of your large sticks in half and trim off the ends. I just used an old pair of scissors.
Heat up your glue gun and put the sled ornament together as show in the photo below. Then add the remaining sticks to the sides and front as shown in the next photo.
Add the twine.
And there you have it – a cute little sled ornament. Now if we could only get some snow so my girls would understand what a sled actually is. 😉