Do you use DropBox? Or SkyDrive? Or Box? Or Cubby? Or any other “cloud storage”? I’ve been using DropBox and I love the integration with all my devices. Have you heard of Copy? It’s some awesome “cloud storage”, like DropBox, but better. You get more storage – 15GB – for just signing up. Use this link and get an extra 5GB: Plus, you’ll help me out and I’ll get 5GB too! I think I’ll use Copy to host any larger printables, so you’ll get more printables too! Also, rumor is that if you confirm a .edu email address, you can get 5 MORE GB. I don’t have a .edu address anymore, so I can’t confirm that. But 20GB for FREE is a screaming deal! Plus an extra 2GB for sharing on Twitter…
This is not a sponsored post, simply me sharing a service I love. You can download Copy to your desktop or on your mobile device. App is available in both the Play Store and the App Store. Instantly upload photos and video from your mobile devices to cloud storage so you don’t lose those precious photos even if you lose your phone or tablet. So… go get it!
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